Sunday 13 May 2018

what is domain ? 2 types of domain ? what is hosting ? difference between hosting and domain

So, hi guys I m tanish your friendly host welcomes you and today we will discuss

What is domain ? 2 types of the domain? what is hosting  ? difference between hosting and domain

So lets get started

what is domain ?

Domain is a web address which represents your website. for example, take Facebook for getting on facebook from chrome or laptop you need to go on so is a address which take you to Facebook.
here domain is .com
there are many domains like .com , .org , .net , .tk etc.

so now lets discuss difference types of domains 
there are 2 types of domains
  1. sub domain 
  2. custom domain

 sub domain

the sub domain is a domain where you will get something extra before a domain.

here is the sub-domain 

Custom Domain
custom domains are the domains which end with .com , .tk , .org etc.

for example

here .tk is the custom domain

lets discuss What Is Hosting ?

hosting is the place where your website is 
for example your home where you are living is your place. so like this only you need a place on the Internet also where your website will live.

so now i think that you have understood what is hosting difference between domain and hosting and what is the domain .

(your friendly Host TANISH VIJAY)

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